Sunday, April 7, 2013


This year my general conference experience was a bit different than years past. It was the first time in a long time that I haven't been able to dedicate all the time needed to watch the conferences when they aired. I'll have to make up Saturday's sessions because I worked all day that day but at least I got a full Sunday in. My best memories of conference will always be my years in Rexburg. The whole week (or two) building up to General Conference you'd have all your professors getting so psyched for it that you couldn't help but feel the same excitement. There would be the great Mecca from Rexburg to Salt Lake for those who got tickets so you felt like you had the town to yourself. But best of all was walking, mostly in the snow, up to the Taylor Chapel to watch each session with my best friend Chantelle. You knew the people that made it up to the Taylor Chapel, especially for the Saturday sessions, just wanted to put a little extra effort into their experience and I loved being surrounded by that spirit.  The Taylor Chapel became one of my favorite places in Rexburg.

This year was special just getting to spend it in my own home with my husband

Last year my super talented friend Joey Ferguson made graphics with quotes to go along with the talks as the session was airing that were so neat and became viral so fast that pretty soon LDS living posted about him on their facebook. This year he created more and it's given me something else to look forward to. I love getting to see what quote struck him and how he chose to interpret that in an inspiritional graphic. You can see them all at his etsy shop (where digital files of the print can be purchased):
But here's a couple that I loved best:

(this one was from Oct 2012 but i just love it so)


  1. I haven't been blogging lately so it was good to have this little visit with you. It sounds like you have been busy with work. Do you still like your job? Are you and Cody still teaching primary? or is it Sunday School? Do you have any trips planned for the summer? We keep getting little tastes of Spring and then it SNOWS. I'm really eager for Spring.
    I miss all your family and wish I could see you soon. Lori and I have talked about when we can come up and see all of you. I love you. G'ma

  2. I remember how much you used to talk about the Taylor Center and going to Conference with Chantelle.
    I really like the art work is clean
    I know how much you enjoy conference.
