Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy 104 Days of Marriage! (but by the time you see this it'll be more)

So my mom today was like did you celebrate you're first 100 days of marriage? and I'm all what? and she's like on your blog ticker it was 100 days the other day. Missed opportunity I guess. (This conversation also included Cody saying in most places it takes 100 days to finalize a divorce so it was so big achievement really. My husband the romantic.)

But hey it is something to celebrate! One of my friend's from BYU-I got married today in Portland which meant I got to go to her reception! It made me nostalgic of my own wedding and realized that some details of that day aren't as fresh as they used to be and it's only been like 3 months! Marriage is just such a happy thing. Every time I get asked "So how's married life?" (which is a lot) I always say "Oh, pretty fantastic." And I mean every word that. We are thoroughly enjoying the "just the two of us" phase. Nothing is difficult for us right now. We're just enjoying life how it is and planning for the years to come.

At the Wedding Reception
For the Uskoski's, marriage is:
  • Stir-Fry Dinners most every night (you can use the same ingredients but every time it turns out just a little different)
  • Fans in every window through the night to make up for the sauna heat of the day
  • Taking turns being a blanket stealer
  • Jessica having a magic laundry and dish fairy while she's at work
  • Shopping around for bargain furniture to fill our house
  • Picking paint colors
  • having all our family griping about how we live "so far away". Come on guys it's only 25 minutes! sorry we don't have babies yet to entice people over ;)
  • Getting to park both our little nissan sentra's in the garage. Twinners!
  • Having an antennae on top of four books on top of a tv tray on top of the coffee table that hold the tv to get the channel in for the Olympics
  • IKEA shopping!! 
  • Still getting through the seasons of M*A*S*H
  • Realizing we can't drink a gallon of milk or other food fast enough before it spoils
 Everything's good with life and we are still just in love.