Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentimes

Cody used to joke around with me whenever I asked him what he was in the mood for (to eat). Most every time I got this response: "Love Salad!"
When asked what love salad was he told me it was basically a salad of lobster and steak (Cody's two favorite things to eat) but really minus the lettuce. Of course he never got his wish and we'd end up going to Quizno's or choosing something else. 
But I also ladies probably know MEN ARE SO HARD TO SHOP FOR! Girls have items that can be collected such as jewelry, accessories, shoes etc etc and they never really can have enough because there's always something new and super cute. Well men aren't so lucky. Cody basically has all that he "needs" other than things that cost $100+ so shopping for a present that is meaningful and also something he would actually enjoy getting. So for Valentine's Day I figured I would just make Cody his favorite meal. We both had to work Thursday so I figured a night in was best. I had Friday off so we were going to go out to dinner then (and skip out on all the Valentine's Day date crowds). I also got lucky and got off work early so I got to drop some V-day presents off to my family because my mom used to always do a little something for us so I thought it was about time I returned the favor. Then I got to come home and relaxingly make a meal full of love for the one I love. And I found some hilarious flutes at the dollar store. I think it was the best purchase of the day!


  1. Cody is so blessed to have you as his wife. I must say your Valentine surprise made me feel super loved! Loved having you over yesterday! Love, your mommy
